Mr Hackett tips his hat at the end of his collection for London Collection: Mens AW14.

Mr Hackett tips his hat at the end of his collection for London Collection: Mens AW14.

A hectic and very long 3 days! Blagging our way… well Steve Kelly from Mens fashion Magazine was doing most of the blagging/charm offensive and I got dragged in to shows as the ‘film guy’!
Michael Dale from River Islands PR dept asked us to film a few shows, grab a few interviews and feature some ‘Street Style’ for a 3-4 minute summary of the event. We got some great interviews from Steve’s contacts… Oliver Spencer was one I particularly enjoyed. LCM_GaryKempBut out of that 3 minute interview I had to choose a sound bite to meet the brief… as I did with all the others. And sometimes the beset ‘sound bite’ is really in context with the others! The editors dilemma!!


Here’s the film as it went out on River Islands blog platform ‘StyleInsider’.

River Islands London Collections: Men AW14 Review from Andrew Jenner on Vimeo.