Disorder Magazine is cranking up for a relaunch with publication at the end of April Disorder is a music/fashion/culture magazine for the 16-24 demographic. Over the years Disorder has provided young, talented photographers, stylists, graphic designers etc a launching pad in to the creative industries.
I have been responsible for managing the Disordertv strand of the magazine. Previously we have worked with Channel 4 (4Talent) in producing 2 tv pilots. More recently we have tailored the content to more online audiences.
Recently, productions have accelerated with covedrage of London Fashion Week and working with bands to create the Russian Club Studio Sessions (acoustic sessions at Disorder HQ in the East End).
So the examples below are shot by young camera operators or photographers looking to add video to their skill set (under my direction) and edited by myself.

London Fashion Week
Pam Hogg AW14


Zeynep Kartal AW14

The Heartbreaks – Hey, Hey Lover